Tumbuka Arch
加入於 2023年7月16日 (Jiyax sngayan)
由Nicole1301在話題Why " Kari pnsltudan rudan ndaan psgao" this page would be delete?上作出的最新留言:2023年7月21日 (Tg5 jiyax iyax sngayan)
Why " Kari pnsltudan rudan ndaan psgao" this page would be delete?
smmalu patasThis page is kari Seediq new article, why did you delete this one? Nicole1301 (empprngaw) 2023年7月19日 (J3) 08:52 (CST)
- @Nicole1301 Hi, greetings! Thank you for contacting me.
- The page is short to give a clear meaning of the subject and it also had some issues such as grammar, punctuations, etc.
- Do you actually speak Seediq? I could help building a translator app and website for it, or add it in other multilingual sites that translate languages. I am not that an expert in Seediq, but know few words to keep me going. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 2023年7月19日 (J3) 13:13 (CST)
- In fact, this page is our new editor to try edit it, we will let our editor to edit step by step. Not quickly to finish all things by themselves.
- I am actually speak Seediq, you can looking foword to my Seediq editor page, and our articles are writed by teached languge Seediq teacher. Nicole1301 (empprngaw) 2023年7月21日 (J5) 10:04 (CST)